~Wanna174~ wishes -NeeT-FeiXia happy birthday !!♥ Grow old le LOL . There will be present for you shared by me, milo ,love ,hahaha. Please wait :D You will like it , haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !
-NeeT-xTea loves you ! :D
Sunday, March 29, 2009;1:49 PM Y
Hello :)
A quick and short post :D I guess most of you remembered who is berry right . LOL. Well , grats berry & her couple wedding success . Last long . *clapsclaps . & whose birthday coming ? :]
-NeeT-xTea loves you ! :D
Thursday, March 26, 2009;5:01 PM Y
~Wanna174~ wishes -NeeT-FeiLyn a happy birthday ! <3.
Friday, March 20, 2009;11:36 AM Y
Good news.
Lets welcome -NeeT-ZhU back to 174!! -NeeT-ZhU -'-. LOL
Tuesday, March 17, 2009;12:22 AM Y
Grats ---BIBI-x3 & ---BEBE-x3 lp success ! (:
Monday, March 16, 2009;11:41 AM Y
Hello hello hello :) Grats again to our allied fam -MeToYou- , CherishME & CartoonME wedding success ! ; last long x3 hahaha . And grats our jr , -NeeT-xMilo lvl 29 LOLLL . Now is th march holidays , hope to see most of the members in audi :)
-NeeT-xTea loves you ! :D
Saturday, March 14, 2009;2:53 PM Y
Hellos . :)
Members are getting more inactive oh . Please be more active , or else i have to expel you unless you have valid reasons :) , And grats ethelyn(-SUPERBLUR) lvl 21 ya ? :D Love 174 many many X3 .
Lol , as you all know . Bad things happened to our fam yea ? -_- We will try to cover up the losses during march holidays ? :) & i have cleared list , those who think that you can meet up to our req , do join us okayyyyy , LOL . AND. One more day toethelynbirthday ! :D
-NeeT-xTealovesyou ! :D
Tuesday, March 3, 2009;7:59 PM Y
Hello , i love ~Wanna174~ LOL :D & sorry for not having fam channels during the weekdays, busy . As for weekends , sometimes only bottom channels bought . Tea is too noob , hahaha . so well , laugh at me . LOL . okay,SIX more days toethelyn'sbirthday ! :)
till then !
-NeeT-xTealoves you ! :D
Monday, March 2, 2009;4:28 PM Y
LOL , this is th ss that we took yesterday . :D And grats 174 65k ! Now jy to 70k okay . x3 .
-NeeT-xTealovesyou ! :D
Disclaimer ♥
Welcome to ~Wanna174~'s blog~
This is our blog!
If you don't like our blog , click here (:
About Us ♥
Fam Name: ~Wanna174~
Created on 25th April 2oo8
Ranking: 16 ♥
Capacity: 41/50
Rules ♥
1. DONT FB w/o permission from Master/JRs.
2. Only appointed testers can test people.
3. Must help to earn FP when there is Fam Channel.
4. Only main accounts are allowed to join the FAM. Sub accounts will not be entertained.
5. Inactive for 1-2 weeks without valid reasons will be expelled.
6. Donate money often.
7. People who online for the sake of not getting kicked out of fam will be expelled immediately.
8. Always mark your attendance when you are online.
9. Dont insult/ridicule other FAMs. Respect them.
10. Most importantly, HAVE FUN ! <3
CC4 Test
Score: 650,000
Song: Jewelry - Rally (178 bpm)
CC8 Test
Score: 600,000
Song: SNSD - Oh! (144 bpm)
C9 Test
Score: 1,000,000
Song: Chris Brown - Forever (120 bpm)
*The following tests are on case by case basis* BeatUp Test
Conditions: 700,000 score, less than 10 misses
Song: Lvl 3 Audition - 3254 Techno Party (142 bpm)
1-2 Party HARD Test
Score: To be updated
Song: To be updated
Beat Rush Test
Conditions: At least x25, less than 5 greats
Song: Any song between 120 bpm - 140 bpm
Mode : Any